"Cast your burdens on the Lord, and he will sustain you, he will never permit the righteous to be moved."
Psalm 55:22 ESV
Doxa's mission is to help each other glorify God by enjoying him forever. We seek to discover how the glory of God changes us, what it looks like, and how it plays out in our daily lives to live in joy, hope, and peace in a fallen world.

You can expect patience, care, and compassion for your life and the situations you face. Change can come quickly but is often slow and very hard which is why change is a process but not without hope in Christ. I am committed to your over-all wellbeing, considering the body and the soul. I am committed to serving Christians of various denominations, theological perspectives, and non-Christians who want counseling from a Christian perspective. You can expect a professional, pastoral, and trustworthy relationship with me. I work with children, adults, and families who experience various mental health issues such as depression, postpartum depression, betrayal trauma, anxiety, abuse, bereavement, estrangement, marriage issues, eating disorders, addictions, sexual issues, women's issues, and many others. I see the value in modern mental health research which can be helpful, especially with Scripture in light of the Person and works of Christ in redemptive history.

Doxa Christian Counseling, LLC is a Biblical christian counseling service established to minister to the Church at large. The aim of Biblical counseling is to uncover our hearts' desires and discover who the Lord is for us in our sufferings and how he walks with us through all things. Biblical counseling is where we parse out how the works of Christ meets the Person of Christ, who is very personal with his people and engages and treats his people with dignity, respect, and compassion as we see in the gospels. Knowing Jesus, who he is in his person and what he has accomplished in his work, results in us seeing his glory and worshipping the triune God. Our life is defined by worshipping the glory of the Lord. To worship Him and enjoy Him forever defines the ultimate purpose of mankind made in His Image.
A life of worship is what it means to glorify the Lord as our purpose, thus the name, "Doxa" which is a term found in the Greek New Testament and Old Testament (LXX) that means “brightness, splendor, or radiance." It is often translated as the “glory” (or magnificence) of God. It’s where we also get the word “doxology” which literally means “glory saying” and is traditionally a short hymn of glory, or praise to God during Christian worship services. As Christians, our lives are a life of doxology and worship, living from hearts that supremely glory in God. As we grow in our understanding of how to glorify the Lord, this will also reflect in our relationships towards others. We are complex and diverse people and relationships are messy, but we can be assured through it all that God moves towards us as well and is faithful to complete the work he has begun in us, as graciously encouraged by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 1:6.

I adhere to the creeds of the early church and the Reformation such as the Apostle's Creed, Nicene Creed, The Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Heidelberg Catechism. I follow the code of ethics presented by the AACC, American Association of Christian Counselors. I believe that God speaks through his Word, the Bible. I see the Scriptures through the lens of redemptive history, meaning that all of the Old and New Testament is one unfolding story in which the Old Testament displays God's saving acts in history and points to the first and second coming of Christ and the New Testament reveals the person and work of this Savior as prophesied in the Old Testament and points to his second and final coming. I believe that this God of the Bible is the personal God, all-powerful and relevant for today just as he has been throughout history. I believe the Scriptures are rich in revealing who we are as humans and it understands the struggles of the human condition, therefore, it richly provides insight and encouragement for our lives today.


I have a Master of Arts in Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. I have experience as a Counselor for CCEF, Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, and as a Recitation Instructor for CCEF School of Biblical Counseling. I have been married for over 19 years and am a homeschooling mother of 4 children. I am a former Certified Lactation Specialist and have enjoyed helping breastfeeding families over the years. I have counseled in various capacities over the years and I have been blessed and privileged to walk alongside many people through their suffering and joys.
Jacqueline Mize, M.A.

Online Counseling
I offer online counseling to fit into your busy schedule no matter where you are in the world! If you would like to meet online, request an appointment by email at: jacqueline.doxa@gmail.com.
Counseling Fee
Counseling fee is $100 per hour.
If you need financial assistance, you may reach out to your pastor, elders, or deacons for help in covering the cost. Many churches are happy to work with counselees to either pay a portion of the cost or the entire cost depending on your situation.